Friday, October 26, 2007

When Was the Last Time?

I have been noticing a trend the last few years that bothers me a bit. I have noticed that people are not as courteous as they once were. Compliments don't seem to be the norm anymore. All of us to some degree probably feel under appreciated at times. This could be a sign of the times or it could just be the fact that we live in a cold natured society. You would think that among God's own people that showing appreciation for one another would be a normal aspect of our lives, but unfortunately it is not.

I made a decision a few weeks ago that I would start being a person who learned to appreciate everyone around me. This decision came after a deep conviction that I had began to mimic my culture. When I realized that I was not a person who readily gave compliments I became frustrated with myself. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of complaining about everyone around you more than you compliment them. But if you live you life like this you will rob yourself of a lot of joy. All of us have many faults! Who can say that they are perfect without any personality problems? You won't see my hand raised for that question. Everyone around us who we love deserves to hear how much we appreciate them.

You may not realize it but you have a lot of patterns in your life. Even if you are not analytical like I am you have certain things you do each week that are a part of your routing. How you use your words is probably one of the most common routines in your life. If you want to be appreciated by others around you for your good qualities then spend more energy and learn to compliment everyone around you. Let people know what you like about them and encourage them as much as possible. Life is too short for us to be negative people. Remember who you are representing everyday and learn to love everyone around you.

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