Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lessons From New York

Today on ESPN it was reported that former Yankees Manager Joe Torre (former Cardinal 3rd baseman) had agreed in principle to become the next manager of the LA Dodgers. Looking back on this situation with the Yankees I thought about how poorly George Steinbrenner and his sons handled this situation. It seemed that all of us knew the details of what happened between the Yankees and Torre. You did not have to even be a sports fan and you probably knew the details. When things go sour for any organization I always think that its better to keep the details in-house.

Too much of the time the Church acts like the Yankee organization. When problems arise between its members the community that its in seems to know whats going down. They might not even care about the Church and they still know. Some things that go on in the Church are usually solved, but even if they are not does the community at large need to know about it? The way that the Church handles its problems says a lot about its leadership and members. As humans we feel justified if we have been hurt by others and so we find comfort in those closest to us. The problem with this is that sometimes those closest to us are not the ones we worship with on Sunday mornings. If we love our Lord then we should show it by never profaning His name with the frustrating things that go on inside of the Church. We need to be mature and deal with any situation as the New Testament commands us to. A Church that handles all of its problems quickly and within the walls of the Church is a congregation going places with God.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Perspective & Grace

I recently took some criticism over my article entitled "Do Pastors Get Paid to Study?" This criticism came from someone I believed to be a friend at my former ministry. I decided when I received that criticism that I would meditate on it for a good while before I ever commented on it. Sometimes I have noticed that I can become a bit too reactionary at times when criticism comes my way. That is one of my personality flaws that I am desperately working on. I realized through this how imperfect I still am.

The reason that I am so grateful to Jesus is the grace He extended me when I became a Christian. My life was a good representation of what it was like to live for SELF. Even though I have found peace with God I know that there is so much work to be done. All of us are going to be criticized by other people and we need to learn to not respond quickly to what has been said. Usually when it comes it is based on someones perspective which might not include all of the details about a situation. As a Christian how you respond to others can reveal your level of maturity. A person who has been impacted by grace will learn to move forward and grow from the way they were criticized. You might be mad at first, but at some point you have also been on the other end of things as well. Grace is one of the biggest elements that is missing in our fellowships. We have an expectation of God's grace every time we mess things up, but many times we are not willing to extend grace to others for words used against us. If you appreciate what the Cross accomplished for you then start extending grace to everyone around you.......even when you think that it is not deserved. After all that is exactly how Jesus treats us every time we go running to Him.

Friday, October 26, 2007

When Was the Last Time?

I have been noticing a trend the last few years that bothers me a bit. I have noticed that people are not as courteous as they once were. Compliments don't seem to be the norm anymore. All of us to some degree probably feel under appreciated at times. This could be a sign of the times or it could just be the fact that we live in a cold natured society. You would think that among God's own people that showing appreciation for one another would be a normal aspect of our lives, but unfortunately it is not.

I made a decision a few weeks ago that I would start being a person who learned to appreciate everyone around me. This decision came after a deep conviction that I had began to mimic my culture. When I realized that I was not a person who readily gave compliments I became frustrated with myself. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of complaining about everyone around you more than you compliment them. But if you live you life like this you will rob yourself of a lot of joy. All of us have many faults! Who can say that they are perfect without any personality problems? You won't see my hand raised for that question. Everyone around us who we love deserves to hear how much we appreciate them.

You may not realize it but you have a lot of patterns in your life. Even if you are not analytical like I am you have certain things you do each week that are a part of your routing. How you use your words is probably one of the most common routines in your life. If you want to be appreciated by others around you for your good qualities then spend more energy and learn to compliment everyone around you. Let people know what you like about them and encourage them as much as possible. Life is too short for us to be negative people. Remember who you are representing everyday and learn to love everyone around you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Say No To Gossip

This past Sunday our Church completed a 7 week series on the book of 1 John. The last sermon covered the 5th and final chapter of the epistle. Doing the background study for the sermon my heart was drawn to a sentence from one of the verses that we do not talk about much in the Church. 1 John 5:16a states "If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life." This small sentence tucked away toward the end of our New Testaments is a reminder of our attitudes toward gossip and fellowship.It is both a warning and a reminder.

I wish I could tell you how many times that I have heard gossip in the Church, but the number is so high I don't have a tally. I think to some or many extents all of us who call ourselves Christians are guilty. God tells us through the Apostle John that there is a better way. We should pray about the person who is in sin and try to be there for them instead of talking about it to other people. Can you imagine the impact that someone would experience if you told them that you were praying for them and their frustrations? If you are close to someone and you know that they are walking in the wrong direction then come alongside of them prayerfully so that God will move in their situation. The wrong road is to talk about someones sin to others. The right road is to petition God on their behalf. God will bless those who listen to His counsel when it comes to our interaction with each other. Be a person who lives out the Word to others by taking this partial verse to heart.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fire In San Diego

It has been several days and the fire in Southern California is still going strong. Nothing can be more devastating that losing all of your possessions in a fire. The images on the news become so discouraging. None of us would wish this type of calamity on anyone. One report on the nightly news said that Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego opened its doors up to the public. There were many grateful people who appreciated the services that have been provided there. Sometimes in the darkest moments we see wonderful glimpses of hope from other people in this country.

When things get tough and disaster hits Americans can sometimes shine the brightest. That is one thing that I love about this country. When a multitude of people are affected by disaster we see that America still has a big heart. This is a lesson for the Church of America to absorb. I wonder as I watch the news each night with the fire still raging how many Christians are stepping up to help out those in need? When calamity hits our neighbors we have a chance to minister in the name of Jesus and bless those around us. Jesus said that the greatest 2 commandments were to love God with all we are and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Do we live that out like we should?

There is not a major disaster going on in the part of Illinois that I live in, but that doesn't mean that I should be slack in loving my neighbor. There are people around me who are suffering emotionally, financially, and physically. I need to have the attitude of the owners of Qualcomm Stadium and the love of Jesus to drive me to do what I have been saved to do. The hardest part of living out the Gospel of Christ is taking the first step out of my comfort zone.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Talk About Politics at Church

This past year my wife and I have enjoyed watching the debates of both political parties. People like to whine about the President or politics, but much of what they talk about is only what the news is reporting to them. We feel at our home that we need to be informed of who believes what and what they are trying to accomplish. While I will never endorse a political party I will always talk openly for who I vote for. I will also talk about engaging politics straight from the pulpit. Recently I pleaded with people to watch the debates so that they can be better informed. The Church should never hide from politics! If anyone should care about where this country is headed it should be those who belong to Christ Jesus.

I am not certain if many Churches spend time talking about this, but I know at our Church we do. We don't always agree, but we know that this is an important time in our country and we want to be informed of what each candidate believes. In my former ministry there were some strong leaders who were outspoken Democrats and many confided in me that because of how they approached the subject that they were timid in expressing their own views. This is not productive for those who share a common faith in Christ. We have many leaders at our Church who are on both sides of the fence. Our discussions are always productive even when we do not agree. We realize that the issue of where we are heading as a country is of extreme importance to all of us. No matter which party you lean toward or where you stand on vital issues learn to talk about this with other believers. Those of us who represent Christ should be discussing major issues facing this country with each other and comparing every candidate's beliefs with scripture. Jesus engaged His culture.......why shouldn't we?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Take the Advice of a Seaoned Veteran

A few years ago my cousin gave me John Pipers "Brothers We Are Not Professionals" as a gift. It was a easy read and it felt like being mentored by a seasoned Pastor of what the role of Pastor is all about. This is one of those books that everyone in full time ministry should read. I thought about this book as I was reading about Pastoral roles on another blog early this morning. I realized that sometimes Pastors can get caught up in letting others dictate what their role should be instead of being who God called them to be.

No matter who you are or where your Church is located you will always find some or many who seem to know and understand your role better than anyone else. By listening to the constant critic you can become unbalanced in your approach to ministry. This book will not tell you how to fulfill your role in the context of your current congregation, but it is a valuable tool that will help you focus on the ministry God has entrusted to you. None of us in ministry are perfect and most of us know that, but this book is a great tool that will help you focus in greater ways.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Faith Takes Time

What do you think of when someone talks about biblical faith? Do you think of your relationship with Jesus? Do you think of Sunday morning worship? Maybe you think of your denominational heritage when the word is spoken. Biblical faith has many different sides to it. Faith is trusting in God's provision for all areas of your life. It is a trust that you are hopefully developing with God. I have a faith that God is transforming me into a better Christian by my submission to His Will everyday. But I must admit that the process to a stronger faith is the most difficult part of being a Christian.

In Hebrews 11:6 we read "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and the He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." We get the first part of that verse right much of the time in the Church, but the latter portion of the verse is where we get hung up. Our faith in God drives us to pursue His Will and the good things that He has for us in this life. The key to growing is the pursuing! Faith is a lifestyle that wants a radical transformation of the soul so deeply that it will keep pursuing God once the initial relationship has been established.

The best way to build up your faith is through deliberate quality time with God each day. Pursuing God means that I am on my knees communicating with Him believing that He is moving through my life. We become frustrated when we get serious with God because we may not see the results we want immediately. But trust me when I tell you that God is moving to those who trust in Him and are faithfully pursuing Him. It just takes time until we see His hand moving in our situations. Most people in the Church give up on prayer because they expect immediate results. If you spend quality time with God everyday for the next 60 days you will experience your faith growing due to God's movement in your life. Be a person who earnestly seeks God and watch how you are slowly transformed into a person with a strong faith.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Helping Those Who are Married

Last spring several of us from our Church went to Indianapolis to attend the Song of Solomon Conference. All of us were impressed with the material presented that came directly from this book of the Bible. I was so impressed by it that we purchased the DVD set for our Church and just completed the series in 6 weeks. We did the program on Sunday nights so that anyone who wanted to attend from the community could join us.

Throughout this 6 week series I heard wonderful testimonies and wonderful comments about this program. As one who is a bit cynical about Church Programs I must say that I endorse this one without hesitation. No matter if you are a husband or a wife there is something in this study that everyone needs. I can testify as a Pastor that there are many unbalanced attitudes in marriages that I see in the Church. Love and respect are missing in many marriages and unless you are willing to hear a word from God it will not change. All of us struggle with issues in our marriages, but unless we deal with them they will fester and create greater problems. God has ordained marriage from the beginning with Adam and Eve and He desires that our marriages are honoring to Him by remaining healthy. If your Church has not gone through this program then look into it today so that you can make a difference in peoples lives. Just go to
to get more information.

This series from Song of Solomon is biblical and will make a difference in the lives of all who decide to go through it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Biblical Literacy

What do you know about the Word of God? Because what you know about His Word is what you know about Him! The Church is becoming a place filled with those who are becoming biblically illiterate. In this country there are no good excuses for not knowing the Bible. We have so many good modern translations and Bible helps today that were not present years ago.

This literacy problem is creating an atmosphere in the Church that is looking like the rest of the world. Our thinking and approach to ministry and each other is not what it can be or needs to be. I love the Church Jesus founded and I love the Church that I am blessed to Pastor, but overall as I interact with Christians here and from other congregations I am hearing that people are not getting into the Word of God.

If we do not understand what is required of us in our relationship with God and each other how can we function properly? Without a good biblical understanding of God we will never function like we were meant to and discord will abound. Church structures are the biggest complaint I hear from those who belong to other churches and the problems come from how the church is ran. Usually it is not a biblical model. I have been down that road before and it is a hard bumpy one to go down. Only through solid continual bible study can we move forward with God and function as a true Christian community. Without knowledge we are nothing more than a Country Club with a cross on the building.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Learn to Love

On any given Sunday morning I assume as a Pastor that about 60-70% of the people sitting in the pews are hurting emotionally or dealing with major problems. On any given Sunday I could even be among that number. Just because we are Christians does not mean that life's problems suddenly have disappeared once we came to know Jesus. We live in a fallen world is a great theological explanation about the pain we all experience, but it does little good to solve the problem that we are experiencing. What we need is love and compassion from other people until we have pressed through this dark time in our life.

God has placed each of us within a body of Christ and that body is to function with an attitude of a family. We don't think about the Church as a family, but that is what God has intended it to be. Like any family if we don't communicate with one another we will not grow together. If we do not communicate with one another we will be a disjointed or dysfunctional family. I don't believe any of us want to be dysfunctional, but that is a major problem with the Church today.

Maybe part of the problem is that people are not telling each other that they are hurting or going through a tough time. Some people want others or the Pastor to read their minds and discover it on their own. But each of us is dealing with issues every week that tends to keep us inward focused. Every family that is successful is a family that has learned how to talk to one another and love each other. If we are feeling down and out and all alone maybe its because we have not let that be known to other people. Bitterness pervades the Church at times and this breaks my heart. We are commanded to love each other and love has many different sides to it. Galatians 6:10 in the NLT states "Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters." Those are words that each of us needs to digest and act upon. The Pastor cannot do it on his own. The Church was made to be a community that ministered to one another. If you start ministering to a few people in your Church on a regular basis you can expect to be ministered too as well. Learn to love the family God has placed you in and watch the love that is returned to you.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Why Do You Go To Church?

Why do you go to Church every Sunday? Do you have an agenda or are you going to worship God with a community of believers that you are connecting with? Sunday worship is the beginning of the week and it is a time to come together and celebrate as a family. While that is what it is about in its basic form we do not realize that much anymore. People are coming to Church with an agenda that revolves around their needs. Shame on the Church of America for this attitude.

As a Pastor I must tell you that I love the Church because it was started by Jesus and in a dark moment in my life during the month of February almost 10 years ago He changed me forever. I do not come to Church with an obligation to preach each week. I come to Church to worship my God with sincerity and to fellowship with my Church family. But I understand that many are coming for something. What that something is can make all the difference in your life.

If you are coming to Church to worship, hear a word from God, or to fellowship then you are coming with the right attitude and can expect God to move in you and through you. If you are coming to fulfill an agenda or out of obligation then it is time to repent of that attitude. I have seen it many times that those with the biggest problems in with the Church usually are the ones spending the least amount of time with God. If you want to experience the presence and movement of God then spend quality time with Him each day and watch how you begin to enjoy Sunday worship in a more complete way. Ask yourself why you are going to Church on Sunday. If it is for the wrong reasons then spend the rest of the week sorting it out with God.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Christian Music Makes Me Think

When I first became a Christian I listened to some hard core music. At the recommendation of my first Pastor I started to listen to Christian music just 10 years ago. It wasn't easy at first to switch from TOOL and Alice in Chains to the Christian music scene, but gradually I fell in love with contemporary Christian music. I was reflecting on all of this today as I was driving back home with my son on our father/son outing. We turned the music up and I began to praise God while he just sat back and called me "silly." The Christian music that is out there today is solid stuff that has many theological truths in it. And every once in a while a song comes along that really grabs a hold of me.

This month I heard a new song by artist Brandon Heath that I believe many can relate too. You can go to his site at then click onto the place where it says you can watch the video. This video and the song is a reminder that change can take place in all of our lives as we keep walking with God and turning over our faults and sins to him. Plus it just has a good sound. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Stop Being So Frustrated

You would think that being in a relationship with Jesus would make you so joyful that other people would be beating down your door to discover you secret way of life. But that isn't how it always is in the Christian life. All of us have our moments and to the outside world we don't always show that we have a greater hope beyond this world. Sometimes we those who are outside of Christ look at us and it is like looking in a mirror to them. What do you think is the missing element? Maybe what is missing is the promises of God. Maybe you are not holding on to them and hiding them in your heart to keep you going through each day.

Our church has been going through 1 John and I love the promises of God that are revealed in this book. They motivate me to draw near to God. They remind me that this is all temporary and that God is in complete control. This past week our church was reminded of the love of God and I began to think through New Testament passages that reveal God's love to His people. I thought of Romans 8 of course and would like to share the end of that chapter with you.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39, NIV)."

Do you see the power of God's love for you in those 2 verses? Let them become a motivator to you to love God deeply through your actions everyday. Cling to the promises of God and remember His love toward you because sometimes it will be the only thing that will keep you going.