Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Say No To Gossip

This past Sunday our Church completed a 7 week series on the book of 1 John. The last sermon covered the 5th and final chapter of the epistle. Doing the background study for the sermon my heart was drawn to a sentence from one of the verses that we do not talk about much in the Church. 1 John 5:16a states "If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life." This small sentence tucked away toward the end of our New Testaments is a reminder of our attitudes toward gossip and fellowship.It is both a warning and a reminder.

I wish I could tell you how many times that I have heard gossip in the Church, but the number is so high I don't have a tally. I think to some or many extents all of us who call ourselves Christians are guilty. God tells us through the Apostle John that there is a better way. We should pray about the person who is in sin and try to be there for them instead of talking about it to other people. Can you imagine the impact that someone would experience if you told them that you were praying for them and their frustrations? If you are close to someone and you know that they are walking in the wrong direction then come alongside of them prayerfully so that God will move in their situation. The wrong road is to talk about someones sin to others. The right road is to petition God on their behalf. God will bless those who listen to His counsel when it comes to our interaction with each other. Be a person who lives out the Word to others by taking this partial verse to heart.


David H. Willis said...

Gossip is the most practiced and approved of sin in the church today. Sad.

Pastor Jeff said...

Your are Correct Sir!!!

Sadly all of us probably are guilty as I said in the article. This has been a deep personal conviction lately.

One of the things that I have really noticed lately is that those of us in leadership are so quick to point out others faults, but we need to be completely willing to notice our and deal with them.

My new approach to gossip is to walk away and not listen to it.

David H. Willis said...

Amen. It is particularly enticing for those in leadership because many folks fell compelled to "share with us."