Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dan In Real Life

There is nothing that good on television or at the movies much, but every once in a while you still get a good surprise. My wife and I found our surprise when we went to see Dan In Real Life just the other day. This is a great movie about family, love, and relationships. If you need something to tug at your heart and you like to laugh then this is the movie for you.

The movie is only 90 minutes long and none of those minutes are wasted. Steve Carrel plays a newspaper columnist widower who is raising three daughters in New Jersey. The film takes his relationship with his daughters and puts them on the road together heading to a family get together in Rhode Island with Dan's family. Dan meets up with a woman haphazardly on his first day out of town and as they connect romance seems to be around the corner. The only problem is that Dan is re-introduced to the same woman and discovers that it is his brothers girlfriend. As the movie unfolds 2 people are forced to connect and make decisions concerning one another. The ensemble cast adds great flavor to a movie that is probably one of the best I have seen in the past 5 years. The director of this movie also did an obscure independent film called Pieces of April that I would also recommend. If you like a heart warming story with a bit of an independent flavor then check this one out.

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