While I rarely use the computer on the weekends much I decided for an unknown reason to look at my own blog this morning. Still in the "Spring Ahead" fog at 5:45 a.m. (which was really 4:45 a.m.) I noticed an old post that someone made a comment on. At first it seemed a bit ridiculous because it was an "anonymous" complaint apparently from a congregant of my former ministry. The comment came from the Post titled "Healed" which I refer to my former ministry and being healed from the pain that my wife and I experienced there. The comment seemed somewhat derogatory but for some reason it did not make me mad. I actually smiled when I read it. I think the smile came because I know that every Minister in any ministry will have to take some type of criticism from someone. It happens all the time. "Don't judge me" people say, but yet they feel it is their job to criticize the Pastor! This is a personality type that is never satisfied with themselves and with life in general. So my smile comes from knowing that criticism will always come and that sometimes I might even deserve the criticism. After all who is perfect besides Jesus?
Before you think that I am a cynical person I want to set the record straight and let you know that I am actually a professional cynic. I love the Church, but too much time in ministry has given me the right to be somewhat cynical from time to time. While I am in a great Church with wonderful people who love me and my wife I have still dealt with criticism. A few weeks ago I was notified that one person was keeping their eye on me to see how I work out (which can be translated to they are watching to see if I fit their mold of Pastor). This will happen at every Church until Jesus returns.
I say love the critic and love the "anonymous" letter writers. Love them because you are commanded to by Jesus and by doing so the Lord will settle the matter for you (see Romans 12). Love them so much that eventually they will love you back and people will see it and praise God for it. But whatever you do don't stop being a little cynical! Cynicism if fun if used in a proper way. Just remember that Jesus is greater than our cynicism and greater than the critic.
That bad?
To Skubalon.....Yes it is that bad...This comment is from Jeff...just didn't feel like logging in.
A guy I knew from my former ministry could not let go of a few things so I decided to keep one of his comments on the "Healed" thread and delete the rest.
Life goes on my brother!
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