Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Forward Thinking

Is your Church where it should be? Does it need change? Can you do things in greater ways than you are doing now? Then maybe its time to do something about it. Maybe its time to not worry so much about the few who get upset when change takes place and time to get on with the mission of God. That group or handful of people who do not want change in your Church are not going to change. How do I know that? Because I have experienced it in the past and it exists at almost every Church in America. It is a sad commentary of American Churches that only a few people can be allowed to hinder the progress of the Church.

Now I am not talking about change for the sake to make things more appealing. I am talking about changing anything and everything that hinders God moving among us in greater ways. That could mean implementing new leaders and asking contentious ones to step down. It could mean starting a new outreach program with only 3 people because no one else is motivated to reach out. It could mean that you have a time of concentrated prayer once a month at the end of you morning service even though it makes a few uncomfortable (the Church is not about our comfort levels). It could mean that you have family meetings once a month or quarter to make sure that everyone is on the same page even though one leader is fighting against it because they fear losing power. It could mean that you draw up new parameters for the functions of every area of leadership in your Church regardless of the few who criticize it. Are you getting where I am coming from?

Some of the things that I have mentioned we have done at this Church and every time there is a change there is a complaint. Realize that before you even step out of the boat. By realizing that it will help you become less frustrated and hopefully help you to keep moving forward. Our biggest enemy in the Church today is fear. We are frightened of change and the criticism that comes along with it. We need to overcome our fears because too many Churches are in stagnation mode right now. Is this what Jesus intended His Church to be like? No Way (as my son loves to say to every question asked)! Jesus wants His Church to be a thriving, living, active, spiritual, and dynamic place. And we want our comfort levels every time we walk through the door. If you want change in your Church then start today on your knees asking God for strength, wisdom, and insight and He will begin to direct you to what needs to be done. Paul wrote in Ephesians "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." This sounds to me that God wants to move among us in greater ways. Maybe He is waiting on His people to feel the same way.

1 comment:

skubalon said...

Good thoughts. Take what you have and move forward. Even if its a few going you can begin something big or in time others will join.