Friday, June 29, 2007

Let It Go & Feel Better

There are issues in the Church that have always troubled me. One of those issues has always been that of forgiveness and grace. You would think that having your life transformed by Christ would be so powerful that all who identify themselves as disciples or apprentices of Christ would have a spirit of submission to Him and His word. I know I use to think that way! Funny how spending time in a Church as a Pastor can change all of that. Don't get me wrong, I love the Church and think it is the greatest institution on the planet. I also think that is has the potential to be more real and sincere with a culture that is seeking answers and watching it. I think we are losing ground with outsiders because we have hardness on our hearts and at times a lack of love toward each other.

You might be wondering if something has happened to get me to be so straightforward. Yes and No! In the Church there is always an issue to deal with concerning people who refuse to forgive one another. Sometimes I experience it in my own life as well. That unfortunately is the nature of the Church. We are fallen individuals who are trying to conform to the image of Christ and we do that at times kicking and screaming. We like to justify our anger and our reasons for not granting forgiveness to others even when they have sincerely asked for it. I have to deal with this issue as a Pastor every couple of weeks. It has become frustrating. Part of the problem is what some have been taught about forgiveness through the years. Even if it was bad teaching that does not square up with the Bible they will still cling to it. When I was on my internship the Pastor I worked under for that time preached on forgiveness once. He said from the pulpit that you should forgive and never forget. Is that what the Bible teaches? One of my favorite areas of the Bible is the book of Psalms. Psalm 1o3 states "The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will He harbor His anger forever; He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. (NIV)" That is the ways that God treats us. Isn't that wonderful?

I am tired of us not having the same attitude toward others that God has toward us. We are representing Christ with all of our actions and all of our attitudes every day of our lives. I know the old phrase "you don't understand what they did to me!" Is it necessary for me to know? Will I be more willing do you think to take your side if I do? I probably would not. All I know is that I am commanded to have true forgiveness in my heart. Ephesians 4:32 says "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." It is not easy to live that verse out, but I am commanded to do so. When I learn to conform my life more to the standards of the Word than the world I begin to experience God in greater ways. Part of the problem that we have in the Church is that we are forgetting that obedience to the Word always comes with the promise of greater spiritual blessings. To live this out you will have to swallow your pride and prayerfully ask God to transform your feelings about your situation. He will transform you if you let him and spend time with Him in prayer. When you can grant complete forgiveness you will feel much better spiritually and you will have more grace upon your life.

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